Wednesday, July 29, 2009

last weekend w/ Nonna

We had super duper busy and long day Friday.
(I know its Wednesday and I'm now writing)
Mom (Nonna) left Saturday
so we were trying to get a great last day together.
We hit the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim,WA
How neat to have such close contact with the animals on the drive through trail.
L & J had a hoot with the goats in the petting zoo.
We were allowed to feed bread to the animals so we brought our own with us.
Go figure-they wouldn't eat our fresh wheat baguette type bread.
They would only eat the Wonderbread the place sold.
Theres no way I'm posting all the pics but here are a few.
Then we hit Graysmarsh Farm.
It's a wonderful U-Pick Organic Berry and Lavender Farm.
We got a big bucket of Loganberries that we all picked together.
Of course I picked up 2 bottles of Lavender Oil and a baggie of Lavender.
Oh what to do with the oil....
With the dried Lavender I mixed it with Epson Salt and made sachets for our drawers and closets.
Recipes to come for Loganberries-trust me I had to figure out a way to use them all up.
Poor L had a reaction to them.
Well maybe 2-3 would be ok but not handfuls all day everyday 2-3 days in a row.
Lastly we went to Silverdale,WA
to their Whaling Days .
We didn't stay for fireworks cause it would have been way to late but we did get the kids on some rides.
It's a cute little town right on the water.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

cool link

Just wanted to share.
Seriously I would have never known about this site
if I didn't read the back of the juice bag during our hike.
How cool is it for the kids to learn to be green,
make money at it too,
or just recycle things you normally wouldn't think of,
and they pay for it all.
after going here hit the link on the bottom of their page.
So cool!

this weekend

Friday mom, myself and the two big boys went hiking.
Seriously....We did 3.8 miles in the
NW WA Temperate Rainforest Quinault.
I'm still sore and it's Sunday.
It was surely nice to enjoy a day with C & A alone with no babies.
Next Friday we're hitting a Game Farm a few hours away.
We'll take the whole family for that trip.
Then mom leaves to go back to TN.
I've really enjoyed having her nearby again.
Well here's some pics of course.
Here's a gift set I did for a birthday party that we went to on Saturday,
It's a sz2T dress w/ shorts and scarf,
I love it so much I'm working on a 6m dress in the same print.
I hit the Market today!
Oh and I found a great little taqueria on the way back.
Lunch was so yummy.
Carnitas tacos w/a side of rice and beans,
I'm talking traditional tacos w/fresh onion, cilantro & lime,
yum, yum, yum, my favorite

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

avocado seed

So we finished an Avocado today at lunch and it dawned on me why not try to sprout it.
I remember doing this as a kid and thought I'd give it a go again.
Problem is my seed split in half from using the knife to dislodge it,
I wonder if it will still work.
We'll see.
pics to come

Sunday, July 12, 2009

just a share

Someone posted this for moms of many to read
It hit home for me,
perfect timing if I do say so.
With my munchkins at home aged at 14-12-4-2
I've been wondering really......
would this-could this get better? easier? funner? quiter? calmer? happier?


When we first got here I got to spend a few days with my mom,
it was really nice that she had the same days off as our arrival.
The kids got to see, talk, play with her.
We thought she would be living in WA at the same time as us
but things have changed and as it stands we get here in July she leaves in Aug.
Well she took us up to a town called Poulsbo,
it's a little Viking town in NW WA.
Cute, Quaint, on the water and full of tourist.
I didn't get any pics of the town or shops because honestly I haven't mastered taking pics while trying to keep the two little ones on the sidewalk.
I did get some pics of our walk along the water and on to a trail that lead to a park and back up to the street.
kids poulsbo

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Olympia Farmers Market

So the whole family headed out today to the Farmers Market,
I think I'll go alone from now on,
maybe it could be my 'MY TIME' once a week,
it was nice though.
I got me some yummy soap......
3 types of Eucalyptus mixed ones,
and for the house we got......
fresh bread & jam,

squash, zucchini, carrots & potatoes,
(I showed an avocado in the pic so you could see the size of the squash & zucchini)


eggs, cream cheese & fresh mozzarella,


ground beef, stew meat & flank steak.
I did lots of price checking so I know for next week.
I'd love to get some fresh mixed greens, peas, green beans
& some fish and pork cuts too.
I saw some nice pottery,
I'll have to pick something out for mom for Christmas.
There was lots of State local fruits
but I really like that the veggie and meat farms are from here,
like a 20mile radius of Olympia.
Oh, oh, oh,
and on the corner of the block where the market is
there's a beautiful garden of flowers & plants that thrive in the area with low water requirements for the summer.
So pretty to see and they all smelled great,
here's my attempt to catch a few pics with batteries dyeing and everyone heading to the car.


My Saturdays are planned through November.